We are pleased to announce the publication of Cardinal John Tong: Renewal within Tradition in the Catholic Church in Hong Kong by Prof. Cindy Chu.
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Tripod 205
Challenges of the Contemporary Families:
Theological and Pastoral Reflections
Family problems, ranging from lack of communication and alienation between family members, to domestic violence, divorce, and abandonment of elderly parents, all have a huge impact on the wellbeing of a family. In recent years, many social phenomena, such as juvenile suicide and caregiver pressure, have also attracted a lot of social attention. The Catholic Church has always valued family. As society continues to change and face various challenges, how can Christian families respond? How do Christians from different professions and church groups take care of the needs of families in their professional and pastoral services? This issue of Tripod attempts to reflect on family wellbeing and common good from different perspectives.
The Holy Spirit Study Centre
is an organ of the Diocese of Hong Kong. It was established in 1980 by the late Cardinal John Baptist Wu as an expression of pastoral concern for China and the Church in China. It is a research institute whose primary practical task has been to gather, store and analyze pertinent data about China that will serve to broaden understanding of the Mainland’s rapidly changing situation, and to effect appropriate Christian responses. Facilities at the Centre, which is housed in a wing of the Holy Spirit Seminary in Aberdeen, include offices for its full-time staff and research associates, a library, archives for collected documentation, and meeting rooms. Material is gleaned from over 100 Chinese and English language periodicals and daily newspapers.
This provides both professional researchers and other interested people with a wealth of up-to-date information on what is happening in Mainland China and in the Church in China. The work of the Centre is of particular interest to the Hong Kong Diocese not only because it is the diocese with the largest number of Chinese Catholics in the world, but also because Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997 and has since been governed under the principle of “One Country, Two Systems.”