林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
范麗珠 (香港中文大學社會學系博士候選人)、侯杰 (天津南開大學歷史系副教授)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
周輝 (北京中國人民大學中文系博士生)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
Why Priests Are Leaving the Ministry in Mainland China
Chen Kaihua (A young Chinese priest in ministry in Mainland China)
Li Decheng (A Chinese priest who left China Mainland in 1949, and who has done extensive study on the formation of priests in China today)
Formation for Young Chinese Priests
Zhao Jian-min (A young Chinese priest in ministry in Mainland China)
Interview with Bishop John Tong on 2nd Anniversary of His Ordination
Kung Kao Po
In Memoriam: Father Yves Raguin, S.J.
Gianni Criveller (A theologian, scholar and researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, Hong Kong. Dr. Criveller has lectured in several major universities in Mainland China. He is the author of Preaching Christ in Late Ming China.)
Three Symposiums on Christianity in China
Gianni Criveller (A theologian, scholar and researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, Hong Kong. Dr. Criveller has lectured in several major universities in Mainland China. He is the author of Preaching Christ in Late Ming China.)