林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
郭乃弘 (香港中華基督教會牧師,資深神學教授)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
邁努 (中國教會觀察家)
陳方中 (台灣天主教輔仁大學歷史系副教授)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
Interview with Bishop John Tong
Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, a professor of theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, and the author of numerous articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
2009: The Year of Anniversaries
Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, a professor of theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, and the author of numerous articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
Remembering the Martyr-Victims of Tiananmen Twenty Years Later
Santiago Miro (A Church in China observer)
Chinese Leaders Should Have Confidence
Kwok Nai Wang (A pastor of the Church of Christ in China and a professor of theology)
Lou Tseng-Tsiang, A Lover of His Church and of His Country
Chen Fang-Chung (An Associate Professor in the Department of History, Fu Jen Catholic University)