林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
羅國輝 (香港教區神父,香港教區禮儀委員會主任)
贊尼修士 (敘利亞東方教會史學專家)
沙百里 (巴黎外方傳教會士,資深中國教會觀察家)
田英傑 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
The Official End of the Chinese Rites Controversy
Sergio Ticozzi, PIME (A staff member of Holy Spirit Study Centre, and is a frequent contributor to Tripod)
The 70th Anniversary of Lifting the Ban on the “Chinese Rites”
Thomas Law (A diocesan priest of the Diocese of Hong Kong, chairperson of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission, and parish priest of Mother of Good Counsel Parish)
Matteo Nicolini-Zani (A monk of the ecumenical community of Bose in Turin, Italy, who specializes in the study of the Syrian Eastern Church)
How Chinese Catholics Renewed the Church in China
Jean Charbonnier, MEP (A noted sinologist, the author of several books on China, including Guide to the Catholic Church in China, and the director of the Relais France Chine Association in Paris)