林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
貝爾托內樞機 (教廷國務卿)
西滿 (中國大陸神父,長期負責修院培育)
金魯賢主教 (上海教區)
陳開華 (昆明教區神長,四川神哲學院教授)
Letter of Pope Benedict XVI Proclaiming a Year for Priests
Pope Benedict XVI (The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church)
To all the Priests of the Catholic Church in the People’s Republic of China
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone (The Secretary of State of the Vatican)
Pastoral Letter of Bishop Jin Luxian for the Year for Priests
Bishop Jin Luxian (Bishop of the Diocese of Shanghai)
Some Views on Seminary Formation and Unity of the Church in Mainland China
Simon (A priest in the northern part of China)
China Church and News Update 2009
Compiled by Sergio Ticozzi, PIME (A staff member of Holy Spirit Study Centre, and a frequent contributor to Tripod)