

Challenges and Hopes0

書名 : Challenges and Hopes -- Stories from the Catholic Church in China
作者︰ John Tong (湯漢主教)
出版︰ Holy Spirit Study Centre, Hong Kong (聖神研究中心)
語言︰ 英文
出版日期︰ 2002
版次 : 第二版
頁數 : 119
訂裝 : 平裝
ISBN : 962-86367-2-3
定價︰ HK$40.00 / US$5.00 (不包括郵費)
In Challenges and Hopes, Bishop John Tong connects the love and suffering of Catholic clergy and laity to the miracles of St. John's Gospel and the petitions of the Our Father. After this narrative theology, Bishop Tong sketches the years from 1949 through 1999, periods of control and persecution, then finally the revival of religion in China . Beginning in the 1980s, the church in Hong Kong was able to act as a bridge church through the three visits by Cardinal Wu, Caritas social service projects, and the Holy Spirit Study Centre. The book contains eight pages of photos.



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