

Han- Mongol encounters and missionary endeavors

0 作者︰ 譚永亮神父
出版︰ Leuven University Press
語言︰ 英文
售價︰ HK$180.00/US$24.00 (不包括郵費)
Han-Mongol Encounter and Missionary Endeavors: A History of Scheut in Ordos (Hetao), 1874 - 1911, traces the history of the Belgian Scheut mission within the ecological, geoplitical socioeconomic and ethnoculural context of the Mongol-Han borderlands during the height of European Colonialism and the collapse of the Qing dynasty. The main subject of this study are over 100 Roman Catholic missionaries from the Low Countries(Holland and Belgium) who worked in the Southwest Mongolia apostolic vicariate. The vicariate constitutes the geographical boundaries of the study. The timeframe extends from the origins of the mission in 1874 until the end of the Qing dynasty in 1912.

於Leuven University Press訂購


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