The course took place from January 16th to February 2nd. Result of the collaboration between the Catholic Center of the university and the master Aurelio Porfiri. The book on the history of sacred music will be printed in Chinese and English this summer.

02/02/2019, 13.33

Hong Kong (AsiaNews) – The Catholic Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has held a course of sacred music in six lessons that took place from January 16th to February 2nd. The teacher is Professor Aurelio Porfiri, musician, composer, educator who has worked for many years in Macao and Hong Kong. “Vatican II – he tellsAsiaNews – defined the Catholic Church tradition of sacred music as ‘a treasure’. And in fact it is one of the most precious legacies to be preserved, but also to make known to the whole world “.

The idea of ​​the course was born from a meeting between the teacher Porfiri and the director of the Catholic Center, Fr. Louis Ha Keloon, who believes in the importance of spreading Catholic culture.

Fr Louis Ha has also commissioned a book on the history of sacred music from Porfiri, offering an introduction to 21 centuries of Catholic sacred music, from apostolic times to the present day. The book will be published this summer, first in Chinese and then in English.

The course was attended almost by all Catholic music leaders in the parishes of the territory. Among the participants, Angela, a pastoral caregiver, declared that the course “enhanced my knowledge of the devolopment of sacred music”. Maria, a local Catholic, was grateful because the course helped her “to learn more about the Church history and to have greater appreciation of sacred music”.

Among those who attended the course there are also young and old musicians. A Dutch professor of music, present at the lessons, said that the lessons were “lively” thanks “skilled, cultivated” Professor who is very involved in Catholic music”.

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