白保羅 (著名漢學家,西雅圖華盛頓大學中國語文教授)
Robert Paul Roth (美國明尼蘇達州路德會西北神學院成員)
羅國輝 (香港教區神父,香港教區禮儀委員會主任)
陳明生 (旅美中國歷史學家,安大略湖端大學歷史學教授)
夏思義 (香港政府公務員,香港大學亞洲研究所研究員)
Continuities with Buddhist Fiction: Monkey’s Enlightenment in the Xu Xiyou ji
Frederick Brandauer (A noted sinologist and Associate Professor of Chinese in the Department of Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. Professor Brandauer is often invited to teach and lecture in China.)
Robert Paul Roth (The former editor of Areopagus, a Christian periodical which seeks to engage its readers in a living encounter with today’s religious world. He is presently at the Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.)
The Chinese Liturgy Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Thomas Law Gwok Fai (Director of the Hong Kong Diocesan Liturgy Commission and also presently acting director of the Diocesan Sacred Music Commission. Fr. Law has taught liturgy at the Sheshan Seminary, Shanghai.) and Theresa Yeung
The Conversion of Li Zhizao: an Inquiry into Reasons
Chen Mingsheng (An eminent historian and professor of History at Lakehead University at Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. He is a frequent contributor to historical and China related journals.)
Tripod Staff
Dr. Patrick H. Hase (Has been an Administrative officer with the Hong Kong Government since 1972. He is a member of the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society, with an on-going interest in the history of Hong Kong. He is also a research associate of the Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.)
Book Review:
East Meets West: The Jesuits in China, 1582-1773
Charles E. Ronan, S.J. and Bonnie B.C. Oh (co-editors)
Peter Barry, M.M. (Reviewer) (A member of Tripod’s editorial staff and one of the Centre’s researchers and translators. He has been associated with the Holy Spirit Centre since its beginning)