湯漢 (香港教區副主教,聖神研究中心主任)
專訪關傑棠 (香港教區紅磡聖母堂主任司鐸)
沈士偉 (上海教友,《房地產志》編輯)
鍾麗嫦 (聖神研究中心秘書)
余理謙 (耶穌會士,服務於香港黃大仙聖雲先堂)
林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
安貝蒂 (瑪利諾會修女,本刊英文版編輯)
Society and the Catholic Church of Hong Kong toward 1997
John Tong (Presently vicar general of the Diocese of Hong Kong, and a well-known sinologist and director of the Holy Spirit Study Centre)
The Spirit of Vatican II in the Church in China
Anthony Lam (Executive Editor of the Chinese section of Tripod, one of the Centre’s researchers and a frequent contributor to Tripod)
Social Involvement: The Experiences of One Parish
James Hurley, S.J. (A member of the Jesuit Community in Hong Kong and a member of the pastoral team of St. Vincent’s Parish, Kowloon)
Parishes Tell Their Stories
How Will the Parish Meet the Challenge of 1997
Debbie Lo (The editor of Vox Mundi and a researcher and translator at the Holy Spirit Study Centre) and Fr. John Kwan (A diocesan priest in Hong Kong and pastor of St. Mary’s Parish, Kowloon)
Hecheng New Village, Bearing Witness to Christ through Love
Rosa Chung (A production assistant at the Holy Spirit Study Centre and a frequent visitor to the churches in Guangdong province)
Shen Shiwei (A layman associated with the Catholic Church in Shanghai. He is very active in his home parish of St. Joseph.)
Tripod Staff
Book Review:
The Laughter and the Weeping: An Old China Hand Remembers
Luke O’Reilly, SSC
Peter Barry, M.M. (Reviewer) (Has been associated with the Holy Spirit Study Centre since its beginning. He is a member of Tripod’s editorial staff and one of the Centre’s researchers and translators.)
People Who Care: A Photo Essay
Betty Ann Maheu, M.M. (The Executive Editor of the English section of Tripod and the editor of China Bridge for the Sunday Examiner)