林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
柏殿宏 (聖言會神父,輔仁大學化學系教授)
魏明德 (耶穌會神父,台北利氏學社主任)
葉小文 (中國國家宗教事務局局長)
Towards a Chinese Theology of the Incarnation
Umberto Bresciani (An authority on Chinese philosophy. He has lived and worked in Taiwan for over thirty years. He is presently writing a book on New Confucians in collaboration with the Ricci Institute in Taipei.)
Relations between Christianity and Intellectuals since Liberation (1949)
Dr. Chen Zemin (Vice-Principal of the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, and Vice-President of the China Christian Council)
Anthony Lam (A senior researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, editor of the Chinese section of Tripod, and the author of several books on the Catholic Church in China)
Dialogues on Jesus (4): Why Was the Incarnation Not Mentioned in the Chinese Classics?
Gianni Criveller (A researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, a lecturer at several major universities in Mainland China, and the author of various articles and of the book, Preaching Christ in Late Ming China)
Religious Beliefs of the Chinese in the Mascarenes
Edith Wong Hee-Kam (The author of La diaspora chinoise aux Mascaraignes: le cas de La Reunion and resides in La Reunion)
Beifang Jinde, Catholic Social Service Centre
Roderick O’Brien
Patrick Taveirne (A researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, and an expert in Mongolian history. He also has been invited to lecture at several Mainland universities)