阮美賢 (本刊執行編輯)
The Meanings and Strategies of Evangelization (Editorial)
Mary Yuen (Executive Editor)
Matteo Ricci’s Evangelization Strategy and the Inculturation of the Church
吳智勳 (耶穌會神父,聖神修院神哲學院神學部主任,教授倫理神學)
Robert Ng (Director and Professor of the Theology Division of the Holy Spirit Seminary College)
The Evangelizing Strategy and Spirit of Matteo Ricci and the Mission of the Church in China Today
靖保路 (意大利利瑪竇研究中心研究員,聖神修院神哲學院教授,任教哲學)
Jing Baolu (Research of Matteo Ricci Institute, Macerata, Italy; Professor of HSSC)
The Interaction between the Tang Xianzu Circle and Matteo Ricci
林瑞琪 (曾任聖神研究中心研究員兼執行編輯;現為香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系兼任助理教授)
Anthony Lam (Former Researcher and Executive Editor of Holy Spirit Study Centre)
The Legacy of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue:
From Ricci, Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis to Father Yan Po Tak
郭少棠 (前香港中文大學歷史系教授兼文學院院長;前香港浸會大學社會科學講座教授)
Edmund Kwok (Former Professor of History and Dean of Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Pope Francis and the Church Reform
劉賽眉 (耶穌寶血會修女,聖神修院神哲學院教授,任教教義神學)
Maria Goretti Lau, SPB (Professor of Dogmatic Theology, HSSC)
The Understanding of Revelation in the Church in China before Vatican II
耿占河 (聖神修院神哲學院教授,任教教義神學)
Geng Zhanhe (Professor of Dogmatic Theology, HSSC)
Book Review on Chinese Theology: Text and Context by Chloë Starr
譚永亮 (聖母聖心會會士,聖神研究中心研究員,聖神修院神哲學院教授,任教中國教會史)
Patrick Taveirne, CICM (Researcher of Holy Spirit Study Centre, Professor of Chinese Church History, HSSC)
Book Review on World Christianity: China by Kim-Kwong Chan
林純慧 (聖神研究中心研究員)
Annie Lam (Researcher of Holy Spirit Study Centre)
Year 2019: Statistics and Major Events of the Catholic Church in China
Sergio Ticozzi and Editorial Desk