張春申 (台灣輔仁大學神學院信理神學教授兼耶穌會省會長)
蔣劍秋 (北美華人聖職聯會主席)
房志榮 (台灣輔仁大學神學院院長兼聖經教授)
盧永雄 (香港亞洲電視新聞部編輯)
陳坤耀 (香港大學亞洲研究中心主任)
金思愷 (香港大學亞洲研究中心榮譽研究員)
穆藹仁 (前美國天主教傳教會中國聯絡辦公室主任)
The Pope’s Message (Editorial)
Pope John Paul II Speaks to Taiwan Bishops’ Conference
Fundamental Attitude of the Bridge Church
Aloysius B. Chang, S. J. (Currently provincial superior of the Jesuits on Taiwan and Professor of Theology at Fujen Catholic University)
Consensus on “Reconciliation and Unity” in Chinese Catholic Church Gradually Gaining Acceptance
John B. Chiang (President of the Chinese Clergy and Religious Association in North America and responsible for the Chinese Centre of St. Theresa’s Church, New York City)
Mark Fang Replies to John B. Chiang
Mark Fang, S.J. (The Rector of the Theology Faculty, Fujen Catholic University, Taiwan)
Ten Years of China’s Political Development
Lo Wing Hung (The political editor in the news department of Asia Television Company (ATV), Hong Kong)
From Economic Liberation to Political Suppression 1979-1989
Edward K. Y. Chen (Director of the Centre of Asian Studies and Professor of Economics at the University of Hong Kong. He is also a member of the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Government.)
Michel Masson (The Director of Weixin, a Jesuit team which edits China News Analysis, Hong Kong)
International Relations of the Protestant Church in China Since 1979
Donald E. Maclnnis (The author of the recently published Religion in China Today, Policy and Practice, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, New York, and translator (with Zhen Xi’an) of the forthcoming Religion under Socialism in China, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York.)