林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
柯毅森 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
王偉 (布依族教友,現於北京工作)
馬宗保 (寧夏大學回族研究中心副教授)
任澤民 (瑪利諾會神父,聖神研究中心策劃主任)
An Interview with Bishop Anthony Li Du’an of Xi’an
Interviewed by Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, a lecturer in theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, and the author of numerous books and articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
Faith Fortnightly
The Laity’s Role in Evangelization
Chen Gong’ao (A priest in China and the Chancellor of Nanchong Diocese, Sichuan Province, China)
Nothing Is Impossible with God: An Interview with Brother Ruan Shijun
Interviewed by Ye Fei (A seminarian at Zhongnan (South-Central) Catholic Seminary in Wuchang, Hubei Province, China)
A Crucial Turning Point in the Chinese Church
Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, a lecturer in theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, and the author of numerous books and articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
Religions and Beliefs in China
Joseph Bierchane (A professor of foreign languages and student of Chinese in China. He also takes a special interest in the situation of religion in China.)
Intervention of Monsignor Piero Monni at the World Tourism Organization Assembly in Beijing
Monsignor Piero Monni (The Holy See’s delegate to the 15th General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization held in Beijing, October 2003)
Patrick Taveirne, CICM (A historian and researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, and the author of Han-Mongol Encounters and Missionary Endeavors)
New Priests for Sichuan and Chongqing
Tripod Staff