林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
趙建敏神父 (北京上智出版社社長)
柯毅霖神父 (宗座外方傳教會士,聖神研究中心研究員)
迪亞斯樞機 (教廷萬民福音傳播部部長)
林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
Papal Address on 400th Anniversary of Matteo Ricci’s Death
Pope Benedict XVI (The Holy Father of the Roman Catholic Church)
Evangelization Congregation’s Letter to China
Cardinal Ivan Dias (Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples of the Roman Catholic Church)
The Missionary Method of Matteo Ricci
Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, a professor of theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College and the author of numerous articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
Matteo Ricci: The Pioneer of A “Renaissance” in China
Zhao Jianmin (A Chinese priest and the Director of the Beijing Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture)
Tripod Staff