林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
陳日君樞機 (香港教區榮休主教)
劉淑珍修女 (瑪利亞方濟各傳教修會前任省會長)
王德蘭修女 (河北省邊村德蘭會修女)
雅妮修女 (中國教會發展關注者)
蘇貝蒂 (香港教友,聖神研究中心研究員)
溫順天 (瑪利諾會神父,本刊英文版執行編輯)
Fr. Lombardi Replies to Question about Chinese Ordination
Vatican Information Service
The Response of the Holy See on the Episcopal Ordination in Chengde
Press Office of the Holy See
Cardinal Zen’s Opinion on Religious Freedom in China
Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun (Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Hong Kong)
Reflections on the Formation of Religious Sisters in Today’s China
Victoria Lau, FMM (The former Provincial Superior of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary)
Maureen Corr, MM (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre)
Theresa Wang Delan (A Sister of the Theresian Congregation of Biancun, in Hebei Province, China)
Remembering Sister Xue Ling: A Sister for the Lepers
Purple Kwong (On the editorial staff and a translator on the English section of Tripod)
Anthony Lam (A senior researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre, the editor of the Chinese section of Tripod and the author of several books on the Catholic Church in China)
Light a Candle: Encounters and Friendship with China
Reviewed by Michael J. Sloboda, M.M. (A researcher and translator at Holy Spirit Study Centre, and the editor of China Bridge), Peter J. Barry, M.M. (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre and the editor of the English section of Tripod)