Lothar Roos (德國波恩大學神學系牧民社會學教授)
Thomas J. Marti (羅馬修會總會長聯會之正義和平委員會執行秘書)
方勵之 (中國著名天體物理學家)
鄭志誠 (香港聖神修院神哲學院哲學教授)
項退結 (台灣國立政治大學哲學系教授)
周景勳 (香港聖神修院神哲學院哲學部主任)
關信基 (香港中文大學之大學服務中心主任)、熊景明 (香港中文大學之大學服務中心助理主任)
The Message of “Centesimus Annus”
Lothar Roos (A member of the Catholic theological faculty at the University of Bonn, Germany, and a professor of Christian social doctrine and pastoral sociology)
“Centesimus Annus”: Challenge to Social Action
Thomas J. Marti, M.M. (Longtime missioner in the Philippines and former director of the Office of Justice and Peace for the Maryknoll Society, and presently Executive Secretary of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Unions of Superiors General, Rome)
Fang Lizhi (Chinese democracy movement leader and noted astrophysicist, and presently a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey)
Science, Religion and Background of Culture
Luis Cheang (Professor of philosophy at the Holy Spirit Seminary College, Hong Kong, and also a professor at Shue Yan College, Hong Kong)
Thaddeus Hang (A professor in the philosophy department at Zhengzhi University, Taiwan, a noted author and frequent contributor to philosophical reviews)
The Universities Service Centre: Research Centre on Modern China
H.C. Kwan (The director of the Universities Service Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Jean Hung (Assistant director of the Universities Service Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Tripod Staff
Book Review:
Against All Odds: Sisters of Providence Mission in China, 1920-1990,
by Ann Colette Wolf, S.P.
Miriam Xavier Mug (Reviewer) (A production assistant at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, Hong Kong)