孫志文 (北京大學語言學教授)
汪維藩 (南京金陵協和神學院神學教授)
劉賽眉 (耶穌寶血女修會修女,聖神修院神哲學院神學教授)
安貝蒂 (瑪利諾女修會修女,本刊執行編輯)
Editorial: China’s White Paper on Human Rights
A New Vision of China
An Analysis of Liu Xiaofeng’s Thinking
Arnold Sprenger (Has taught at the Second Foreign Languages Institute, Beijing, Normal University, Beijing, and is currently professor of linguistics at Beijing University.)
Policy Differentiations regarding Christianity
Wang Weifan (A pastor and professor of theology at Nanjing’s Theological Seminary)
Major Events in the Church in China, 1991
Tripod Staff
Book Review:
Havoc in Hunan, The Sisters of Charity in Western Hunan 1924-1951
Sister Mary Carita Pendergast, S.C.
Betty Ann Maheu, M.M. (Reviewer) (Executive editor of Tripod, Holy Spirit Study Centre, Hong Kong)