Juegen Moltmann (德國都比根大學系統神學教授)
翟煦 (香港思高聖經學會總務)
陳維統 (香港思高聖經學會主任)
李士漁 (香港思高聖經學會院長)
黃美兒 (香港嘉諾撒仁愛修女會修女,培德書院教師)
陳秀嫻 (香港明愛社會工作服務部部長)、黃綺湘 (香港明愛康復服務協調總監)
黎碧芳 (香港明愛安老服務協調總監)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Moltmann, D.D. (Professor of Systematic Theology at Tübingen University. He is an international lecturer and the author of numerous books on theology. He is especially noted for his theology of hope.)
The Word of God Entrusted to the Church
Theobald Diederich, O.F.M. (Presently the procurator for the Studium Biblicum. He has been a collaborator at the Studium Biblicum since 1954.)
The Studium Biblicum and the Chinese Catholic Bible
Marcus Chen, O.F.M. (Director of the Studium Biblicum, Hong Kong, secretary of Hong Kong’s Catholic Biblical Institute. He joined the staff of the Studium Biblicum in 1947.)
The Studium Biblicum Grounded in Chinese Culture
Antonius Lee, O.F.M. (Religious superior at the Studium Biblicum and supervisor of St. Bonaventure College, Kowloon. He has been on the staff of the Studium since 1945.)
Suffering and the Servant of the Lord
Monica Wong, F.D.C.C. (A teacher of religious studies at Pui Tak Canossian College, Aberdeen. She is a graduate of the Pontifical University, Regina Mundi, Rome, and a free lance translator for the Holy Spirit Study Centre.)
Caritas Lends a Helping Hand to the Motherland
Caritas-Hong Kong, Eds. Joyce Chang (The director of Social Work Services, Caritas-Hong Kong) and Phyllis Wong (Co-ordinator for Caritas Rehabilitation Service, Caritas-Hong Kong)
Caritas-Hong Kong, Ed. Rosita Lai (Coordinator for Services for the Elderly at Caritas-Hong Kong)