阮美賢 (執行編輯)
Mary Yuen (Executive Editor)
Rethinking Inculturation of Christianity and Intercultural Evangelization
靖保路 (意大利利瑪竇研究中心研究員,聖神修院神哲學院教授)
Jing Baolu (Researcher of Matteo Ricci Institute, Macerata, Italy; Professor of HSSC)
Inculturated Art and Theology: A Dialogue
林書琦 (台灣神學院神學系兼任助理教授)
Su-chi Lin (Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Theology, Taiwan Graduate School of Theology)
Traversing Continents: Perspectives on Inculturation from a South Asian Artist, Angela Trindade
Rebecca Berru Davis (Assistant Professor of Theology at St. Catherine University, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA)
Culture of Architecture — Investigation on the Localization of Catholic Church Architecture in Mainland China
劉平 (天主教吉林教區歷史研究所副主任及研究員;吉林省天主教神哲學院宗教藝術部研究員)
Liu Ping (Deputy Director and Researcher of the Institute of Historical Studies of the Jilin Diocese; Researcher of Religious Art at the Jilin Catholic Seminary)
Discussion on the Architectural Culture of the Maryknoll Society in Mainland China
伍維烈 (方濟會會士;曾修讀城鄉規劃及景觀建築、主修宗教與藝術;從事以表達藝術為媒介的教育及靈修等工作)
William Ng, OFM (Franciscan friar; with degree in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture as well as Religion and Arts, currently engaged in expressive arts based education and spirituality)
The Presence of The Lady Mary in the Catholic Church Architecture in Mainland China and Hong Kong
蔡錦龍 (天主教平信徒;建築師;畢業於聖神修院神哲學院宗教學部)
Franky Choi (A lay Catholic and an Architect; Graduate of the Institute of Religious Studies, Holy Spirit Seminary College)
Identity Crisis and Family Reconstruction — Analysis of the Dream, Tears and Home in the Biographical Narrative of Saint Joseph
歐陽剛毅 (天主教輔仁大學宗教學系博士研究生)
Ouyang Gangyi (Doctoral student of the Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University)
An Investigation of the Catholic Sisters Congregations in Shanxi Province
張闊 (廣州教區司鐸)
Zhang Kuo (A Priest of Guangzhou Diocese)
William Ng, OFM (Franciscan friar; with degree in Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture as well as Religion and Arts, currently engaged in expressive arts based education and spirituality)