林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
張春申 (耶穌會中華省會長,台灣輔仁大學神學教授)
Noboru Yoshiyama (贖世主會神父,東京上智大學倫理神學教授)
董高樞機 (教廷萬民福音傳播部部長)
劉柏年 (中國天主教愛國會副主席)
洋泥 (中國天主教徒,現時留學歐洲)
A Christian Reflection: Confucianism and Economics in East Asia
Noboru Yoshiyama (A Redemptorist priest presently teaching moral theology at the Jesuit Sophia University in Tokyo. He has recently published two important works on sexual morality in Japan.)
Confucian View of Human Nature: Its Relevance to the Contemporary Chinese
Judith Xu-Chuan (Presently an MA candidate at the Chicago Theological Union in the United States)
Can Mainland China’s ‘Official’ Church Still be Called ‘Catholic’?
Aloysius B. Chang, S.J. (Provincial of the Jesuit China Province and a Professor of Theology at Fujen University, Taiwan)
Documentation: Address of Josef Cardinal Tomko to the Bishops of Taiwan
Josef Cardinal Tomko (A member of various Roman Congregations and Councils, and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples)
Documentation: Pastoral Letter of Unofficial Chinese Bishops’ Conference
Documentation: CPA Leader Addresses Ecumenical Conference
Liu Bainian (The vice-chairman of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, whose office is in Beijing)