林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
房志榮 (耶穌會中華省神父,輔仁大學聖經學教授)
張士江 (邢台教區神父)
李潔文 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系副教授)
沈嘉仁 (瑪利諾會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
區華勝 (台南教區神父)
Old and New Challenges for the Hong Kong Catholic Church
Sergio Ticozzi, P.I.M.E. (A researcher and consultant on China-Hong Kong socio-religious issues and a frequent contributor to Tripod)
Hong Kong Catholic Chinese: Their Identity as Hong Kong Citizens and Christians
Lee Kitman (An Associate Professor of Applied Social Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Message of the Holy Father to the Church in China
Pope John Paul II
Commentaries on Papal Message
Upon Reading “The Pope Speaks to China”
Mark Fang, S.J. (The Rector of the Theology Faculty, Fujen Catholic University, Taiwan)
The Mystery Behind the Chinese Response to the Pope’s Address
Dr. Beatrice Leung (A member of the Congregation of the Precious Blood Sisters and a Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences at Lingnam University, Hong Kong)
A Sincere and Urgent Invitation
Frederico Lombardi, S.J. (The Director of Programming at Vatican Radio)
Key for normalization of Sino-Vatican relations
Anthony Chang (A diocesan priest in the Diocese of Hong Kong and an advisor for the publication, YI China Message)
Reactions from the Church in China
Documentation: A Letter Sent by the Faithful Church to the Holy Father
Documentation: Religious Inspection Regulations
Michael J. Sloboda, M.M. (A researcher and translator at the Holy Spirit Study Centre and frequent contributor to Tripod)