林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
張春申 (耶穌會中華省神父,台灣輔仁大學神學教授)
趙建敏 (北京教區神父)
韓德力 (聖母聖心會神父,南懷仁文化協會主任)
石信天 (中國大陸歐籍教師)
王偉 (中國布依族修士)
Between Pessimism and Optimism
Bishop John Tong (Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong and director of the Holy Spirit Study Centre)
Hong Kong 1997: Church and Society
Jack Clancey (An attorney-at law in Hong Kong with a specialty in labour)
Pope John Paul II and the Unity of the Catholic Church in China
A.B. Chang, S.J. (A Professor of Theology at Fujen University and a frequent contributor to Tripod)
Division and Unity in the Catholic Church in China
Wang Yandao (A young priest from mainland China)
See More Clearly, Love More Deeply
Old Fisherman (Deceased recently, was a priest in the underground church in China)
Documentation: Law Protects Church Rights
Zhou Chuan (A writer for the Catholic Church in China, the news magazine of the official church in China)