林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
陳日君 (香港教區助理主教)
房志榮 (耶穌會中華省神父,台灣輔仁大學聖經學教授)
湯漢 (香港教區輔理主教,聖神研究中心主任)
梁作祿 (宗座外方傳教會神父,意中經濟文化交流協會顧問)
溫順天 (瑪利諾會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
韓德力 (聖母聖心會神父,南懷仁文化協會主任)
Review of the Past
Editorial Policy and Goals
News in Brief
Travelers’ Tales
Personalities, Past and Present
Pope John Paul Speaks to China, 1981-1996
Reflections from the Founders
Bishop John Tong (Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong, editor-in-chief of Tripod, and founder and director of the Holy Spirit Study Centre)
The Chinese Church at the Second Vatican Council
Angelo Lazzarotto, P.I.M.E. (A founder of the Holy Spirit Study Centre and Advisor for the Italian Chinese Institute for Economic and Cultural Relations)
Peter Barry, M.M. (One of the founding members of the Holy Spirit Study Centre and one of its researchers and translators)
Sino-Vatican Relations, 1980-1997
Elmer Wurth, M.M. (Pastor of St. Anne’s Church, Stanley, Hong Kong and a founding member of the Holy Spirit Study Centre and one of its researchers)