林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
單國璽樞機 (高雄教區榮休主教)
陳日君樞機 (香港教區主教)
黎鴻昇主教 (澳門教區主教)
韓大輝 (慈幼會神父,宗座國際神學委員會委員)
沙百里 (巴黎外方傳教會神父,中國教會觀察家)
溫順天 (瑪利諾會神父,本刊英文版執行編輯)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
Pope Benedict XVI (Present Holy Father of the Roman Catholic Church)
Cardinal Zen on Papal Letter to Chinese Catholics
Cardinal Joseph Zen (Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong)
Pope Benedict XVI Opens a Bright Horizon to Catholics in China
Jean Pierre Charbonnier, MEP (A noted sinologist, and the author of several books on China, including Guide to the Catholic Church in China. He is the director of the Relais France Chine Association in Paris.)
Reactions to the Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Chinese Church
Gianni Criveller, PIME (A researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre and a lecturer in theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, and the author of numerous books and articles in various journals on the topic of Christianity in China)
Response to the Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to the Church in China
Savio Hon, SDB (Member of Pontifical International Theological Commission; Professor of Theology at Holy Spirit Seminary College, Hong Kong; and former Provincial Superior of Salesians of Don Bosco)
Sino-Vatican Relations at a Crossroads: A Reflection on the Papal Letter to China
Anthony Lam (A senior researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, and the editor of the Chinese section of Tripod, and the author of several books on the Catholic Church in China)