林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
郭乃弘牧師 (香港資深社會運動家,神學教授)
彭定康勳爵 (香港前任總督,紐卡素大學及牛津大學校監)
林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
老楞佐 (天主教神父)
安貝蒂 (瑪利諾會修女,本刊前任執行編輯)
Chris Patten (Chancellor of Oxford University in England, the last British governor of Hong Kong (1992-1997))
A Review of Protestant Churches’ Social Participation Since 1997
Kwok Nai Wang (The Senior Minister of Kowloon Union Church)
A Ten-Year Review of the Relationship Between Church and State in the HKSAR
Anthony Lam (A senior researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre, and the editor of the Chinese section of Tripod, and the author of several books on the Catholic Church in China)
Roderick O’Brien (A lawyer in Brisbane, Australia, who researches religious policy and practice in China)
China Church and News Update: December 2006 – November 2007
Sergio Ticozzi, PIME (A staff member and researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre)
Estimated Statistics for China’s Catholic Church (December 2007)
Sergio Ticozzi, PIME (A staff member and researcher at Holy Spirit Study Centre)
Book Review: Chiesa Cattolica e Cina Comunista
Matteo Nicolini-Zani (A monk of the ecumenical community of Bose in Turin, Italy, who specializes in the study of the Syrian Eastern Church (erroneously called “Nestorian”))