林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
范江雪 (中國年青修生)
畢明 (香港基督教學者)
蔣志敏 (《瞭望》周刊記者), 徐祖根 (《瞭望》周刊記者)
安貝蒂 (瑪利諾會修女,本刊編輯)
Bi Ming (A regular contributor to Zhongguo Yu Jiaohui, a publication of the Chinese Church Research Center in Hong Kong)
‘Christianity Fever’ in China Journalists Investigate and Report
Extracts from two Chinese Journals
Documentation: The Neighborhood Committee: An Organ not to Be Underestimated
Anthony Lam (The executive editor of the Chinese section of Tripod and the author of the recent book, A Reflection on the History of the Catholic Church in Contemporary China (1949 1994))
Documentation: The Peace Committee of Chinese Religious Circles
Anthony Lam (The executive editor of the Chinese section of Tripod and the author of the recent book, A Reflection on the History of the Catholic Church in Contemporary China (1949 1994))
Zhoa Puchu (The chairman of the Chinese Buddhists’ Association)
Tripod Staff
Catholic Church in Northeast China
Betty Ann Maheu, M.M. (The executive editor of the English section of Tripod and the editor of China Bridge for the Sunday Examiner, Hong Kong)