林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
劉銳紹 (資深中國政治經濟評論員)
李永剛 (香港中文大學中國研究服務中心副主任)
鍾志堅 (澳門教區副主教)
沙百里 (巴黎外方傳教會神父,資深中國教會觀察家)
賈少飛 (西安教區神父,陝西天主教神哲學院教授)
The Expansion of the Church in China during the Last 30 Years
Jean Charbonnier, MEP (A noted sinologist, and the author of several books on China, including Guide to the Catholic Church in China, and the director of the Relais France Chine Association in Paris)
A General Discussion of China’s 30 Years of Openness and Reform
Liu Ruishao (Senior China Affairs Researcher)
Uncertain Prosperity: A Political Scientist’s Analysis of Thirty Years of Reform in China
Li Yonggang (Assistant Director, Universities Service Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The Endeavors of Celso Costantini towards the Establishment of Sino-Vatican Relations
Liu Guopeng (Researcher, Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
The 350th Anniversary of the Founding of the Paris Foreign Mission Society (MEP)
Jean Charbonnier, MEP (A noted sinologist, and the author of several books on China, including Guide to the Catholic Church in China, and the director of the Relais France Chine Association in Paris)
A Glance at the Influence of China’s Open Door Policy on the Catholic Church
Pedro Chong Chi Kin (Vicar General of the Macao Catholic Diocese)
James H. Kroeger, MM (Professor of Systematic Theology, Missiology, and Islamics at the Loyola School of Theology in Manila, and a consultant to the Asian Bishops’ (FABC) Office of Evangelization)