林瑞琪 (聖神研究中心執行秘書,本刊執行編輯)
何琦 (南京大學客座教授,香港道風山基督教叢林顧問)
麥偉林 (美國紐約《華爾街日報》主筆)
葉衛民 (台灣耕莘文教基金會執行長)
姜新 (台灣畫家,台北華明藝廊成員)
劉河北 (台灣天主教畫家,以繪畫聖母像而聞名)
張琪凱 (中國畫家,現居於意大利,多次參與歐洲美術展)
蘇少青 (香港道風山基督教叢林藝術部經理)
柯毅霖 (宗座外方傳教會神父,聖神研究中心研究員)
馮今源 (中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所當代宗教研究室主任兼研究員)
Some Thoughts on the Present Situation of Christian Art
He Qi (A visiting professor at Nanjing University and a consultant and scholar at Tao Fung Shan Christian Centre, Hong Kong)
William McGurn (A Senior Editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review and on the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, New York City)
The Flavour of Heart and Heaven
Benoit Vernander (An artist who works principally with Chinese ink and color, and the director of the Taipei Ricci Institute, Taiwan)
An Interview with Magdalena Liu
Tripod Staff Member, Magdalena Liu (A Catholic Chinese artist, was exiled to Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution. She left China in 1989 and went to Montreal where she presently resides with her son, Francis Zhang who is also an artist.)
Monica Liu (A Catholic artist who specializes in paintings of the Virgin Mary. She presently resides in Illinois, USA.)
Ye Weimin (The past director of the Taiwan Catholic Documentation Centre and the Hua Ming Religious Art Promotion Center, and the Executive Director of the Tian Educational Fund in Taipei, Taiwan)
Jiang Xin (A Chinese artist associated with the Hua Ming Art Gallery in Taipei. He has participated in numerous exhibitions and currently helps direct the exhibits at the Hua Ming Art Gallery.)
Paul Zhang (From Beijing. He left China in 1993 to go to Italy to study Western art. He has had considerable success there participating in many exhibits featuring his modern works of art.)
Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre: Architectural Features
Sylvia So (The manager of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre’s Art Department, and gift shop in Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China)